Jan 27th Free Webinar | Nurturing Literacy: Empowering Children to Read and Write with Joy

Occupational Therapy Assessments

Occupational Therapy Assessments allow us to gain a deeper understanding of your child’s strengths and needs and enable us to help your child reach their maximum potential, and increase your child’s functional performance both at home and at school. The assessment of a child may include a combination of the parents’/guardians’ report of the child’s history, review of records, school observations, clinical observations and standardized and normed testing.

Our assessments cover:

  •  Sensory Processing Abilities (how a child processes what he sees, hears, feels, etc. and produces an appropriate response)
  •  Self-regulation (how a child calms themselves, adapts to their environment, and how he behaves in the context of social and emotional environments)
  •  Executive functioning skills related to attention, memory, organization, flexibility, etc.
  •  Neurodevelopment Status and reflex maturation
  • Gross motor strength, endurance, and coordination · Fine motor developments related to dexterity, strength, grasp efficiency, range of motion, and bilateral use (how well the hands work together)
  • Visual-motor and visual perceptual skills
  • Handwriting Skills
  • Dyspraxia (Motor planning abilities)
  • Self-help skills related to dressing, grooming, and feeding


Occupational therapy assessment is usually play-based evaluations that are both standardized (including questionnaires and tests) and involve clinical observations with the child performing a range of activities including functional skills; movement-based and tabletop activities. Assessments can be carried out in the clinic as well as at school depending upon the concerns raised during the initial visit. Recommendations are made on how to address the issues and may range from suggestions for at-home strategies, activities to in-clinic professional intervention or school-based intervention. If you have concerns about your child’s communication, social, friendship, or academic skills.

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