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Educational Therapy

Educational intervention provides individualized, remedial instruction to a child with learning challenges, including but not limited to dyslexia, ADHD, executive function deficits, and language, visual and auditory processing issues. Educational therapy focuses not only on remediation, but also, on building the foundational attention, memory and learning skills to allow the child to become a more self-aware, self-reliant and efficient learner.

After an initial and thorough assessment, an individualized plan of treatment and session scheduling is created, taking into consideration the whole child, their school life, home environment, and social engagements. Generally, a child receives Educational Therapy twice a week, but a more intensive course of therapy may be recommended when a child’s skills are significantly delayed.

How is an Educational Interventionist different from a tutor? The most significant differences between an educational interventionist and a tutor are training, goals and strategies, and services provided. Educational interventionists have specific training and experience with learning disabilities/differences, as well as training in the socio-emotional effects that can impede the learning process. A tutor is not necessarily trained in therapeutic assessments and interventions and is generally skilled in a specific subject.

Our experts provide the following services:

  • Conduct Educational Assessments
  • Dyslexia assessment
  • Assessment for Exam Access arrangements


Our experts specialize in areas such as:

  • Literacy: reading, writing, spelling, and comprehension difficulties
  • Numeracy: maths difficulties
  • Study skills and assignment strategies
  • Concentration difficulties
  • Dyslexia, dyscalculia, ADHD, and high functioning autism
  • Working with numbers and worded problems
  • Planning and study time management camp; organization skills


Our experts have unique skills and training to address behavior such as:

  • Postgraduate studies in Language, Literacy, and Dyslexia
  • Associate Membership of British Dyslexia Association
  • Assessment Processing Certification for dyslexia and for writing exam access arrangements.
  • Assessment Processing Certification for writing exam access arrangements.

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