New Worldwide Webinar May 17th: Speech Delay in Children: Prevention and Early Intervention!

Psychomotor Therapy Dubai – French Handwriting Programme

Psychomotor Therapist and Handwriting Specialist, Mabelle El Koreh, is here to help!

Are you concerned about your child’s handwriting difficulties? Handwriting is a complex task that involves a combination of skills. 


Mabelle is trained in handwriting reeducation and uses evidence-based approaches and tools to help develop your child’s motor skills, muscle tone regulation, and visual perceptual skills. She incorporates the use of the Handwriting Without Tears, Jeannot Method, Active Relaxation, and Kezhero Technique to help your child adapt a correct posture and proper arm and finger coordination, regulate their muscles, develop fine motor skills and manual dexterity, and improve their visual perceptual and visual spatial abilities.

Overall, the French Handwriting Workshop for children is a comprehensive program that aims to teach children how to write French in a fun, engaging and effective way using various techniques and methods.

Objectives of the Handwriting Programme

1. To improve the child’s motor skills, muscle tone regulation, and visual perceptual skills through the use of evidence-based approaches and tools.

2. To teach the child the proper posture and arm and finger coordination for handwriting.

3. To help the child regulate their muscles for the task of handwriting.

4. To develop the child’s fine motor skills and manual dexterity necessary for holding a pencil and controlling the trace.

5. To improve the child’s visual perceptual and visual spatial abilities to discriminate between letters and shapes, and to correctly reproduce and organize them on paper.

6. To teach the child handwriting in Arabic, English or French.

7. To enable the child to communicate effectively through handwriting.

8. To provide the child with the tools they need to succeed in handwriting.

9. To provide parents with the knowledge and tools to support their child’s handwriting development.

10. To ensure that the child reaches their full potential in handwriting and handwriting-related tasks.

Evidence-based approaches and techniques

The “French Handwriting Workshop” for children is a program that aims to teach children how to write in French using the Handwriting Without Tears, Jeannot Method, Active Relaxation, and Kezhero Technique.

Handwriting is an essential skill that your child needs to learn and communicate. This program is also available in Arabic and English.

Don’t wait any longer, book a place for your child now and give them the tools they need to succeed!



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