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Dr. Kayleigh Sumner

Educational Psychologist

Kayleigh Sumner is a Doctor of Applied Educational Psychology (DAppEdPsy) Educational Psychology (BA Hons) and Registered as a “Practitioner Psychologist” with the Health and Care Professionals Council Chartered Psychologist with the British Psychological Society.

Kayleigh has over 15 years’ experience working across 4 Psychology Services and multiple schools with children and their families in the UK. Kayleigh regularly works across a wide range of age groups including early years, primary and secondary schools.

Kayleigh’s interests span across all areas from anxiety and autism to learning and resilience. She has a specialist interest in trauma too. During her Doctoral research, Kayleigh explored what schools and parents can do to support children to learn using the Growth Mindset approach. 

Kayleigh has worked on diverse projects ranging from developing and implementing whole school wellbeing programmes to supporting parents with behaviour at home using Emotion Coaching techniques.

Kayleigh has been involved in delivering training and interventions to promote children’s social and emotional learning as well as building on their attention and listening skills across the lifespan.

Kayleigh is passionate about inclusion, identification of need is the first step to children getting the support they need to achieve their full potential. Her warm and considered approach is appreciated by those who work with her.

Other therapists

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Occupational Therapist

Jennifer Cockrell

Dyslexia and Learning Support Specialist

Ataa Mohammad Atoun

Educational Psychologist



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